Thursday 10 April 2014

Task 4: Personal Enquiry - part 2

Task 4 – b
I’ll go more in depth to explore the unreal engine; talking about its game releases and engine capabilities that made it to a successful game engines that was the source of many successful games. Mostly about the games developed and its history of development; how the engine overall helps the game industry.
Unreal Engine 1 started off in 1998, having many features such as collision, rendering etc into the single engine. However the games developed were in low numbers estimated 28. There might be other 3rd part games that are not available for public or have been made but not released. Unreal Engine 1 had top branded and recognized games such as Epic Games, Unreal. And the all-time favourite game Deus Ex and also Duke Nukem Forever along with other games. However all of these games made were made from 1998 to 2002.

In 2003 the early rise of unreal engine 2 was developed. It was named the ‘war face build’ essentially was a modified version of the unreal engine 1. Used for the Deus Ex: Invisible War. Then later developed fully into unreal 2 by making unreal tournament 2003. Unreal Tournament 2003 was made in a way to sell the engine having ‘demo’ developed for the engine; called the unreal editor. Which was used for people to make their own custom games. However the engine was only supplied with the license, the editor was used as a selling tool. Many successful games were made from the unreal engine 2. Starting with the Tom Clancy’s game series. Lineage 2 and bio-shock 1, 2 along with many other popular releases.

Later in 2006, games were developed using unreal engine 2.5 (UE2.5 build 3323). Which was used for many other titles; mainly for MMORPG, i.e Fox Online. Unreal Engine 2.5 was heavily updated and had several patches. This later on was used as a base for development for unreal engine 3.

The first version of unreal engine 3 was seen though gears of war which was made from Epic Games. Which also came along on PC and had the gears of war editor which was used as a ‘demo’ for the engine capabilities. Releasing in 11/2006. Following from there was countless games developed and developing from UE3 till today and probably will. Having 8 years in the engines field, it’s rated as one of the best engines out there from many websites and publishers. Unreal engine 3 was used to create some of the most rememberable games we know of today such as the mass effect 3 series and the batman series.

Also unreal engine 3 is being teached by many schools and colleges and has a vast amount of ‘tutorials’ available on demand or free. It also now has a free version names as Unreal Development Kit (UDK) which can be used to make a game and publish it through commercial rights; if you make more than $50,000 then you’ll have to buy a license, making it a very affordable engine for new developers.

Today and recently released Unreal Engine 4; being ready for ‘next gen’ and having loads of features as well as having similarities to Unreal Engine 3 to make it an easier learning curve for companies that will upgrade it to the next engine. Also having a new payment method of pay per month feature. Costing $19/month plus 5% revenue that will go to epic games. The rest of the profit is to the developers or/and publisher. 


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