Thursday 10 April 2014

Art Direction

This image really grabs my eye because it tells a story. Just by looking at it it’s the future by advanced flying vehicle at the background and hard edged armour on the three characters present and the picture describes that the two characters on the front are looking for something and the character at the back is probably unpacking or using that vehicle to do some sort of research.

The character with the bright red cape which is the focus of the art work is showing he is majestic of some sort by having a white leopard and as he is not doing work and just observing while the other two characters are doing some sort of work. The white leopard shows that the character is of a high class because as of right now they are very rare and having one in the future are rarer. Moving on the only female character just be looking at her clothes you can tell she is working under the dude in the red cape, this is probably to clarify something, same goes for the guy at the back.

The colours on this picture is mainly full of greys and low saturated colours on the 2 less of characters however the cape being bright red and the main focal point gives it the complementary colour. The idea of that is to probably show that this picture is mainly about the guy in the middle.

The mood of the whole picture is mysterious and makes the viewer question on what are they looking for and what is this place. The other mood set is their clothing is all geared and wearing armour tells me that they are protecting themselves from something, so they can be looking for the enemy.

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