Monday 30 September 2013

Game Production; A church and a Dalek!

Today the start of game production class was surprisingly fast and a lot of information to be consumed. Being thought by a third year on the fundamentals of 3DS max it was ok, however i was already familiar so i began t do a little of my own work as he was teaching the others:

Moving from that our initial task was to make a church from what we learnt in tutorial so i started with no worries however i am not a end-professional 3ds max master. I just know the basics because i did games production in college and we used Maya instead of max but i learnt it over the summer holidays. The church was fairly simple:
Taking no longer than a 15 minutes i created it according to the guide it came with then i had time to give my own input and use my creativity. So i came up with a rendered piece. In my opinion is very bad however i fulfilled the requirements and accomplished the task with my own extra work. 

Finishing off i was given homework to model a Dalek. Within the boundaries of 1500 triangles and other specification. 


Sunday 29 September 2013

Morning train

Its actually hard to get up at 6 go town by 7 then on the train. Every Monday. On the train now to Leicester.

Bought a new bag!

The A3 sketchbook i bought wouldn't fit in my old bag so again i had to invest in another bag, its the cheapest you can get at Amazon at the moment so i guess you guys should look into it.

Reeves Carry Case (A3 Size) 

Friday 27 September 2013

University Begins!

University began on Monday prior to this post because I created this blog late. Anyway i am attending De Montfort University studying Game Art - Hard as it sounds, it actually is, the introduction I got was surprising and I kind of expected to be that hard because I did Games Design at James Watt Campus and it was hard. Not for me but for the general public.

So I was told to attend on Monday at 9:00 in the brief on Monday 23rd. Oh, did I mention I don't have a timetable yet because well our course surprisingly got a new building so the timetable is still being made. Got a new info that it will be available on 'mydmu' on Sunday.

The first year consists of alot of drawing, traditional drawing. I just got equipment for that from Amazon which is probably the best place to buy stuff as we all know. The items are on a new page, just click 'My Amazon Items' on the top tool-bar; or if you're lazy click below:

Derwant Academy Pencil

Pink Pig Aubergine A3 sketchbook 150gsm acid free white paper 70 pages (35 leaves)