Monday 7 October 2013

Dalek finished now a wheelie bin! Real assignment!

Finished the Dalek according to the specification and on the spot of 1500 triangles.

However i needed more corrections and in class changed a few things by deleting the bulbs as they wernt important according to the year 3 student so now it looks like this:


I also imported it into UDK to see how it looks like, and i think it looks good for a mobile game if properly textured. (some normals and back-facing polygons problem might need to be addressed).

Moving on to about today's learning; it was majorly focused on texture creation and UV mapping in max. So i learnt UV mapping:

Also as an additional exercise learnt UV creation - i was familiar but not in 3ds Max however i picked up fast and finished the phone-box additional exercise and the 'dice' creation:

Finishing this our real 1st assignment was given and i was to create a wheelie bin under 600 triangles and fully UV'd and textured. This task to me is a very good starting task and am very excited to do it.

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