Thursday 31 October 2013

Monday 21 October 2013

Wheelie Bin Project

My wheelie bin project was a great success and i learnt a great deal from it. The modelling stage up to the texturing stage was very tempting to get it perfect however im not so happy with my UV's. I didn't utilize the UV space properly. The model itself topology is under the poly count and perfectly correct, in my opinion.

Monday 7 October 2013

Dalek finished now a wheelie bin! Real assignment!

Finished the Dalek according to the specification and on the spot of 1500 triangles.

However i needed more corrections and in class changed a few things by deleting the bulbs as they wernt important according to the year 3 student so now it looks like this:


I also imported it into UDK to see how it looks like, and i think it looks good for a mobile game if properly textured. (some normals and back-facing polygons problem might need to be addressed).

Moving on to about today's learning; it was majorly focused on texture creation and UV mapping in max. So i learnt UV mapping:

Also as an additional exercise learnt UV creation - i was familiar but not in 3ds Max however i picked up fast and finished the phone-box additional exercise and the 'dice' creation:

Finishing this our real 1st assignment was given and i was to create a wheelie bin under 600 triangles and fully UV'd and textured. This task to me is a very good starting task and am very excited to do it.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Life drawing and Perspective drawing!

Life drawing class was very useful and thought me a lot. I'm weak at drawing and initially in 2D. So i want to strengthen that to equal with my 3D so i can fuse both of the techniques to create work. The main focus for today was to get started with drawing and understand the anatomy. Also using new techniques to draw like line drawing, drawing without looking at the paper, rough drawing and technical drawing all within 5 mins up to 15 mins.

The next lesson was a lot more technical and we learnt perspective drawing at the canals across the building. Mainly 1 point perspective. I knew about it as i did graphics in GCSE at school but now it all came back to me. Really useful indeed.